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The manufacturing industry is certainly used to welcoming in new technologies and tools which can help to make their processes more effective and productive, but usually that comes directly on the production line rather than higher up in the industry. Yet, a digital transformation provides such firms with an opportunity that they cannot afford to miss.
A digital transformation plan is the opportunity for manufacturing companies to consider how they can bring their back-office technology up to date by installing the tools they need. The facilities are primarily aimed at information storage and automation of processes, cutting down the time currently dedicated to tasks by staff who spend hours upon hours filing documentation and inputting data.
With the introduction of such solutions, resources can be put to better use and provide an immediate impact for manufacturers as they look to cut costs in an ever more competitive market. Thanks to these tools, competing will become easier as staff can focus upon what they do best whilst technology handles the day to day administrative tasks and concerns. Such a next step into the future is at the heart of continued growth for any manufacturer.
One key way in which such innovative digital solutions can help to improve productivity on the product line is through compliance. By keeping track of all documentation related to certifications, training and qualifications, an Enterprise Content Management system is able to ensure that a company is never lacking a crucial requirement. Through making this change, staff can lower the risk of a potential fine or penalty for non-compliance when it comes to inspections, with notifications ensuring that they are aware well before the deadline or expiry of an existing certificate.
It also boosts safety by providing a one stop shop for supervisors or workers on the production line to ensure that all of the latest legislation and regulations can be easily tracked down so workers are fully up to date on what they must do to ensure that they are working according to official guidelines and recommendations, as well as laws which could result in a hefty fine if broken.
These are just some of the ways in which digital transformation tools can provide manufacturing companies with new ways to make their procedures more efficient. Utilising and implementing such solutions can lead to the end goal of lower costs resulting in bigger profits. Whilst it may be daunting to invest in such technology, the process leads to a substantial return on investment and is sure to make workflows and processes simpler for staff. With initial training to understand the use of the new tools, tasks can be cut down from a matter of hours to just seconds and, most importantly, can be performed by technology rather than a valuable staff member.
Industries are changing with technology, and the Internet of Things is making processes easier.