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KYOCERA Document Solutions has signed an irrevocable acquisition agreement for the Ceyoniq Group headquartered in Bielefeld, Germany. With this acquisition KYOCERA Document Solutions actively enters the growing “Enterprise-Content-Management (ECM)” market. Ceyoniq will remain a separate entity with consultants and developers. The successful “nscale” product for optimisation and automatisation of document based processes will also remain. The goal is clear: higher revenues and market share through synergy.
Takashi Kuki, President of KYOCERA Document Solutions Inc. is sure of the benefit for both companies: “Our customers will profit most of all. They can now rely on us for an extended software offering, services and a solutions portfolio. This is a perfect extension of our hardware know-how and positions us strategically in the important ECM market.”
The Ceyoniq Group with its four companies encompasses the entire ECM value chain. With “nscale” the company has established a flexible and scalable ECM platform solution. With it processes in a company can be automated and adjusted more efficiently. Collaborative, transparent and comprehensive work across teams is made possible.
Until now KYOCERA participated in the ECM market through cooperations with other providers. Now the company can offer an in-house product portfolio in this segment. The ECM market has shown a high growth rate with a continued upward trend. KYOCERA regards this as a clear chance for growth.
“Together with our established consulting experience Ceyoniq fits our business model perfectly: Together we will expand our market potential”, says Takahiro Sato, President of KYOCERA Document Solutions Europe B.V.
Ceyoniq will continue to operate as an independent company. The current CEO André Ferlings will remain at the head of the company. He comments: “in the ECM sector we are the technology leader with our product “nscale” and are sure that together with KYOCERA we can convince new international customers of our capabilities. In this case one plus one is more than two. ”
The acquisition is conditioned upon the approval by regulatory authorities. It is expected to close no later than end of October 2015. All parties have agreed to keep financial details confidential.